Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A look into setTimeout method in javascript

In this I want to focus on setTimeout of javascript where we can delay things.

I have created a simple HTML code which has Left Center and Right texts three times and a Button on top of them.

I used setTimeout to clear the texts in Red under the button on clicking the button.

When one clicks the button, the following should happen:

1. All the "Left" text under button will disappear in 3 seconds.

2. In the following 3 seconds "Center" text will disappear.
3. In the following 3 seconds "Right" text will disappear.


I used the following code to achieve the above:

1:  <html>  
2:       <head>  
3:            <style>  
4:                 p  
5:                 {  
6:                      color:red;  
7:                      font-size:20px;  
8:                 }  
9:                 .center  
10:                 {  
11:                      text-align:center;  
12:                 }  
13:                 .right  
14:                 {  
15:                      text-align:right;  
16:                 }  
17:            </style>  
18:            <script>  
19:                 function function1()  
20:                 {  
21:                      var time=3000;  
22:                      var var0=document.getElementsByClassName("left");  
23:                      var var1=document.getElementsByClassName("center");  
24:                      var var2=document.getElementsByClassName("right");  
25:                      setTimeout(function() {  
26:                           for(var a=0;a<var0.length;a++) {  
27:                                var0[a].style.display="none";  
28:                                if(a===parseInt(var0.length)-1) {  
29:                                     setTimeout(function() {  
30:                                          for(var b=0;b<var1.length;b++) {  
31:                                               var1[b].style.display="none";  
32:                                               if(b===parseInt(var1.length)-1) {  
33:                                                    setTimeout(function() {  
34:                                                         for(var c=0;c<var2.length;c++) {  
35:                                                              var2[c].style.display="none";  
36:                                                         }  
37:                                                    }, time);  
38:                                               }  
39:                                          }  
40:                                     }, time);  
41:                                }  
42:                           }  
43:                      }, time);  
44:                 }  
45:            </script>  
46:       </head>  
47:       <body>  
48:            <center>  
49:            <input type="button" onclick="function1();" value="Click here">  
50:            </center>  
51:            <p class="left">Left</p>  
52:            <p class="center">Center</p>  
53:            <p class="right">Right</p>  
54:            <p class="left">Left</p>  
55:            <p class="center">Center</p>  
56:            <p class="right">Right</p>  
57:            <p class="left">Left</p>  
58:            <p class="center">Center</p>  
59:            <p class="right">Right</p>  
60:       </body>  
61:  </html>  

In the above code, I used a setTimeout method and provided a delay of 3000 ms (3 seconds), In the method, I have formatted display to none in javascript and when the last tag of class name "left" is reached, I did the same for Center in the main setTimeout and created a setTimeout method for center inside and in Center's setTimeout method, I created another setTimeout for "right".

One can do really cool stuff with this method.

Suggestions are really appreciated.

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