Web services is nothing but a resource through which you can convert your application into web application, also it helps data transfer between various platforms and applications and the most recommended format of transferring data is XML. XML has been recognized by W3C to be used exclusively for web services, in other words data is carried out in XMLs.
Web services basically consists of three elements :
SOAP : SOAP is Simple Object Access Protocol, which enables the transfer of data between various platforms and different languages, so this becomes the main part of web services. It uses HTTP protocol for the transfer of data.
SOAP basically consists of
- Envelope
- Header
- Body
- Fault
Example :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-envelope"
Messages that you want to transfer
Messages that you want to transfer
If any namespace other than soap:xmlns is used, it will not allow the transfer and generate an error.
SOAP encoding Style attribute : It is the basic encoding style used in the SOAP
Header : Header is the first element of Envelope element in the SOAP message. It contains three attributes :
- mustUnderstand
- actor
- encodingStyle
Body : This contains the actual message that will be transferred.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<m:GetPrice xmlns:m="http://www.w3schools.com/prices">
<m:GetPrice xmlns:m="http://www.w3schools.com/prices">
Fault : It is an optional element and it is used to indicate error messages.
WSDL : Web Services Description Language, is other part of web services which is used to locate and describe the application that is converted into web application. It's simply a link that takes you to the application, in other words you convert the data that is inter-operable between different platforms using SOAP and WSDL takes you to that data.
UDDI : Universal Description, Discovery and Intergration, is a kind of directory for storing the information about web services it transfers data via SOAP.
If you want to learn more about Web Services refer :